2009年3月19日 星期四


嗜血的老虎 ..它.. 是否让你心慌
战争的苦难.. 谁能忘
那最珍惜的伙伴.. 却随着曲终人散
人类的感情.. 只会被那利益冲淡
为此而迷茫.. 他疯狂.. 他内心再喊
仇视的目光.. 他不管.. 他觉得很烦

谁人的歌唱.. 很抽象
谁人的烛光.. 很灿烂
谁人的勇敢.. 如太阳

英雄的模样.. 很慈祥.. 却牺牲死亡
所受的背叛.. 很孤单.. 他从此绝望

时间它过的很慢.. 人们所留的血汗
也已变成 ..了.. 一种可笑信仰。。。。。



2009年3月7日 星期六

My Hands & Feet / 我的手足

Ι'd perceived the existence of me as they entered my tether.Or,i were the one who joined them.Life was changed after i met them.I could abandoned the solitude life which i have momentary.Glee and dido always encircle me.My friend list became crowded as they changed my attitude and perspective.Well,i were a arrogant person formerly.So,i did not own any best friends and chummy.No one can accept a selfish,arrogant,stingy and more disadvantage person and yet they do.They tried to change me and influence me.

Now our relationship are even better.We are the trio in school.We are almost as same as the 奖门人in hong kong.We bring lots of jollification to everyone in school.Because,we are dare to play despite there are people who feel annoying and feel sick of what we did.SO WHAT?We do enjoy our school life so and yet there are more people who like to join us to play and have fun.So,don't ever say that what we did doesn't make sense.HOHO.

One of them,my chummy would always like to point out my errors and my foible to me although he knew that I'm kinda overconfidence sometimes.I always boast yet he always igonore me.haha.However,his motive is to make me awake to the fact.I realised.but i still refuse to stop talking something boastful and bombastic.LOL.Honestly,i would like to have friends like you who will always point out my errors because this is the only way i can succeed my life.So,just keep on do so.I don't mind.

Another one of them,who I can always pour out to.He will just listen what i said and give me much sympathy and empathy.But,sometime he will do something that will irritate me which is suddenly ask me to shut up as i'm talking to him or he will act like ignore me with putting both of his forefinger into both of his ear.ISH!Actually,there are some similarities between us.Both of us would like to tease people excessive and always make people speechless.He is humor and everyone do like him even the teachers were get use to his dido.

Its my honour to know them.I will love them momentary...

Don't feel envy that i have such chummy.

Because,they are my hands and feet.